Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Seasons change

Only a very small portion of the worlds population can understand it. There is a season change happening Jan. 15. That's right, deer season will end for another year. (I know it's too sad to even think about) But it is reality; it is truth. The Bible says that there is a season for everything. So there is a beginning and an end to everything on earth. Seems especially obvious. Yet many people fight the end of seasons in their lives. Some even deny it's existance and convince themselves that through their own abilities they can somehow change the seasons. Not the end of their lives, but a change in a season of their lives. Many retired people escape to Florida or Arizona when the winter begins to settle in. But just because they are in a place of warmth where they run to does not deny the reality that the seasons have changed where they were. It's the 40 year old guy with a mullet who still wears his high school letter jacket. When we fight against the seasons that God allows in our lives we may very well be fighting God's will for our lives. We get so used to the warm summer days that we wish it would never end. But if summer never ended we would miss God's awesome creative beauty that comes with fall. Some of the most miserable people in the world are those trying to hold on to a certain time, position, or circumstance in their lives. Unfortuneatly it is usually a result of pride and selfishness. If God has blessed you with a great summer season in your life, trust him enough for what is next.

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