Monday, November 26, 2007

Where's my typewriter?

I apologize for being so long in posting, but if you have not heard my computer is in the shop being repaired. That is my six week old computer is being repaired. Please pray for my patience. I hope to be back up and running in a few days.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I don't have all my thoughts neatly compiled on this subject, but let me give you just the appetizer. This morning I took our boys to school and these negative thoughts began running through my mind. It's Monday (and for pastors Mondays are supposed to be recovery days from all that Sunday entails.) I'm tired and I don't feel good. I've got several big bills to pay this week. I have so much to get done in the next few days, and on and on and on. All of the sudden Godspoke to my heart and said it doesn't have to be that way. We talk about it all the time, but the enemy is so subtle in his approach to creeping into our thought life and attitudes. Our patterns in our thought life are so important. They can literally determine the outcome of an entire day. So I made up my mind at that moment I am not giving up this day to that outlook. And God just helped remind me about all of His blessings in my life and how many times He has brought me through weeks just like this one. So let's maximize what we get out of today by keeping our thoughts based on who Jesus is and what He can do.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Everybody knows, whether you watch Judge Judy or not, the current trend is instead of getting married, to live together. The politically correct vonacular would be "co-habitation". It's real easy as a Christian to get on a soap box and point out the obvious sin in shacking up together. Scripture clearly explains the devestating effect of immorality on a human life. However, take a look at another level of co-habitation. Many Christians are attempting to cohabitate in their relationship with Christ. We would never verbalize it, but often our lack of committment to the relationship expresss it. Our actions say things like "I want to have all the benefits of a relationship, but I want to leave my options open." "I want to know He's always there for me, but sometimes I want to explore my options." Sorry, to burst the selfish balloon, but it don't work that way. We serve a jealous God, who will have no part of a shared relationship. He wants our full, undivided committment. We cannot play games and indulge our desires, and then come home expecting God to be waiting up for us. Jesus said He will return for a blood washed BRIDE, not a co-habitant.