Monday, January 14, 2008

island dwellers

I realize each one of you is entirely too sophisticated to have ever watched more than one episode of Gilligans Island; but I am 40 now and I am willing to admit that I have seen nearly every episode. The thing that really catches your attention if you go back and watch it again, is how well each person adapted to being deserted on an island. And I know entirely too many people that are living their lives on an island and rapaidly adapt to that lifestyle. Unless you have built in accountability, the more responsibility you are given, the more your instinct is to isolate yourself and become an island. Why? Because the more people expect of you the more you are unwilling to admit you are human and submit yourself to accountability. The worst part of becoming an island unto yourself is eventually, the more you stock pile your inadequacies and are unwilling to come clean to anyone, the more painful it will be when someone else makes it ashore and all of your island secrets come out. There is no subsitute for accountability. If some of the great ministers of the past that have fallen to temptation would of had it, there is a good chance they would not have lost their future. We all need someone that we meet with on a regular basis face to face, that we allow to ask any questions and to remind us we are not perfect and not expected to be either. Set yourself up for success. Build accountability into your lives.

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